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Chapter 4 – System Integrations

Congratulations! You have finally created your house! Imaging the hard work and excitement that went into all this while to reach to this stage. Ah, Ah; something seems to be still missing in this complete setup. You cannot stay in the house till the time you get some basic amenities like water supply, electricity, internal piping system enabled. Isn’t that true?

This is where your system integration phase kicks off. You need to understand the different ways in which all those basic amenities can be enabled for you in your home.

Alt HRMS with its strong and robust integration capabilities offers standard APIs which can be consumed by different systems to read the data as and when required. These APIs are secure and encrypted to ensure highest degree of data security.

We shall cover the below agenda items to assist you understand on how integrations are done:

1. Standard Integration APIs

2. Approach for Integration

3. Configuring the standard APIs

The implementation partner can do any other system integrations by using the standard Alt APIs and the same shall be owned by the partner and PeopleStrong will not be held accountable for the same. If the implementation partner is offering PeopleStrong Alt along with a third party application and/or other application developed by the implementation partner, to the customer, then the functionality, integration, customer experience etc. of such a setup would entirely be a responsibility of the Implementation partner and PeopleStrong will not be held responsible for any malfunctions.